Sunday, 8 April 2012

Liebster, Twitter, Fifty!


What is the Liebster Blog Award?  Well it's recognition.  Last week I was honoured when awarded it from A.K. Fotinos-Hoyer . If you haven't see her blog yet, get over there.  She's doing the A-Z Blogging challenge, and all of her posts have something interesting to say.  Quite a feat!  Thanks AK :)

I'd like to pass on the award to the following bloggers.  These are all well worth a look:

Suzanne Van Rooyen - A blogger and author.  Her novel 'Dragon's Teeth' is a great read.
Becca Harris - Another blogger doing the A-Z blogging challenge, with a focus on LOTR.
Emaginette - A writer and reviewer (she writes beautifully).
Denise Moncrief - Lots of stuff: reviews, poems, recipes, reflections ... it's great!
Ruth Lauren Steven - Another writer with loads of tips and interesting guest posts.

To Accept the award, please follow these rule:

1) Show thanks to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to their blog.
2) Pick 5 blogs with less than 200 followers and let them know about your nominations by leaving a comment on their blog.
3) Post the award on your blog!


Yes, I've joined.  But I don't really know what I'm doing, agh!

I figure the best way to learn is to follow heaps of other people and see how it's done.

So, please post your twitter details as a reply to this post and I will follow!

Also, if you have any little hints about twitter I'd love to hear them.

And here's my twitter account -!/AderynWood


"Fifty" is the number of followers I would like to have by May 1st.  It's good to have little targets. When I first started this blog I had a goal to have 10 members/followers by the end of this year.  Guess I've achieved that!  So if you want to help me out, please feel free to follow :)  I aim to blog once a week, but, well sometimes that goal isn't quite achieved.  50 - let's see if I can do it!


  1. Hi, Aderyn. Thank you so much for passing the award on to me. I will definitely post next week and send you a big thank you!

  2. Thanks for nominating me :) But I was nominated a few weeks ago by someone else! Thanks anyway!

    1. Yes I see that! You've been nominated twice :)

  3. Thanks Aderyn : )

    It may be a while before I get to post about this because all April's posts are taken up with the competition, but I will add it to my list after that. Thanks for thinking of me.

    1. You're welcome :) April is a busy month for bloggers!

  4. I'm excited to check out the blogs you chose :D

  5. Hey Aderyn,

    Thanks for the comment you left on my site and congrats on the award. Well deserved.

    Alecia :)

  6. I promise to do this next week.

    I had this line up already. Okay it's time to play tag and baby your it. You've been tagged.

    I know you are busy but if you can please play with me. Visit my site and it will explain what you need to do.

    Let me know if you're in. :-)
